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Select this option to register and apply for eligibility for UK FP OR the F2 Standalone programme

Select this box to search for training vacancies in medicine and public health.

Select this box to search for training vacancies in dentistry.

Select this box to search for training programmes in Pharmacy Foundation Training.

For those interested in scientist training programmes and five year doctorial level clinical scientists programmes.
Welcome to Oriel
Oriel is the UK wide portal for recruitment to postgraduate medical, dental, public health, healthcare science and foundation pharmacy training. Applicants will use Oriel for all stages of the recruitment process.
Please note that Oriel is only supported on the following browsers: Chrome, Edge, Safari and Firefox. For further information, please refer to the FAQs.
IMPORTANT - this is a new version of Oriel. If you previously had an account on the legacy Oriel system, this will no longer be valid. You MUST register for a new account on Oriel.
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